Dandelions are Good Food

I made a great raw dandelion salad the other day for a job I was working on. I cleaned and chopped a bunch of fresh organic dandelions and dressed them with olive oil, lemon juice from one lemon, a splash of maple syrup and a dash of sea salt and then just before serving, I sliced up a beautiful plum and tossed it all together. It was tart and sweet and absolutely delicious! The only thing I might add next time would be pine nuts or walnuts for a little more texture and depth of flavor. Maggie Gyllenhaal was the talent on the job and she liked it so much, she ate it for lunch!

After work, I went to the opening of the new Whole Foods market around the corner from my apartment. I was so amazed at how many people were there! For a neighborhood filled with tall apartment buildings, it's remarkably quiet up here in the Upper West 90's of Manhattan and even Central Park doesn't seem to get that crowded. Maybe it's just rare to have an event that draws everyone out at once.

I told someone that the produce section looked like Tiffany's, each radish was presented like rubies, each scallion like emeralds. Lush and beckoning, they invited cooking up a fresh meal if you could make it past the first floor of prepared foods. It makes sense to have the prepared foods within easy shopping reach on the first floor and much as I like to make as much of my food as possible, at the end of a long day, it's nice to have a healthy meal already made for me. I had some Organic Swiss Chard at home I'd gotten at the farmer's market so I picked up some quinoa and chick peas from the hot salad bar and did a hybrid of home cooked and prepared food. I'm going to try to shop at both Whole Foods and the local Health Food Stores and Farmer's Market as much as I can to support them all.


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